(Quick Reference)

1 Introduction - Reference Documentation



1 Introduction

This plugin makes it easy to both send and receive Twitter messages inside a Grails application.

Version information

The plugin is now versioned together with the twitter4j jar library it depends on. If there are patches to a given version of the plugin due to bugs, the version will be extended.

Thanks goes to:

The plugin would not be what is is without the following contributors:

table Arthur Neves | arthurnn@gmail.com Daniel Gerbaudo | info@danielgerbaudo.com Rubén Salinas | rubensalinasgarcia@gmail.com Ricardo Vilella | vilellaricardo@gmail.co Burt Beckwith | burt@burtbeckwith.com table

If I forgot to mention contributors, let me know and I will update the list ASAP.

If you use it, let me know

If you use this plugin in your application, let me know - it's always nice to know, when ones work is used in the wild. Send me a tweet: @sbglasius or an email: soeren@glasius.dk - thank you!


Versions and

  • Code cleanup and documentation


Breaking changes:
  • The Twitter4jService.groovy has gone, it has been replaced by a bean configured in the plugin with the same name.
  • The configuration blog has changed. It is now named twitter4j and not twitter.
  • The Twitter4JController actions are all disabled by default. To enable create the the following key in Config.groovy

twitter4j.enableTwitter4jController = true
  • Trying to revitalize the plugin with help from Daniel Gerbaudo
  • Dependent on Twitter4j version 4.0.4
  • Documentation will have new home here: http://sbglasius.github.io/grails-twitter4j
  • Version scheme will follow Twitter4j version + an extra minor version for the plugin version