(Quick Reference)

3 Usage - Reference Documentation

Authors: Søren Berg Glasius

Version: 1.0.8

3 Usage

Basic usage

You just annotate your ennumeration with @I18nEnum

package test

@I18nEnum enum MyEnum { ONE, Two, three }

will generate the following codes for each enum:

test.MyEnum.ONE.codes   == ['test.MyEnum.ONE',   'test.MyEnum.ONE',   'test.MyEnum.one']
test.MyEnum.Two.codes   == ['test.MyEnum.TWO',   'test.MyEnum.Two',   'test.MyEnum.two']
test.MyEnum.three.codes == ['test.MyEnum.THREE', 'test.MyEnum.three', 'test.MyEnum.three']

And the following default values:

test.MyEnum.ONE.defaultMessage == 'ONE'
test.MyEnum.Two.defaultMessage == 'Two'
test.MyEnum.three.defaultMessage == 'three'

as it can be seen, the codes comes in three variations: UPPER_CASE, UNCHANGED and LOWER_CASE, and the default message is simply the Enum value

Advanced usage

To get even more control over, how the codes and the default value are generated, you can add parameters to the annotation:

@I18nEnum(prefix = '', postfix = '', shortName = false, defaultNameCase = DefaultNameCase.UNCHANGED)

Prefix and Postfix

Prefix controls what is added before the package name. If you do not add a dot after the prefix, one will be added for you.

Postfix controls what is added after the ENUM_VALUE. If you do not add a dot before the postfix, one will be added for you.


package test

@I18nEnum(prefix = 'enum', postfix = 'label') enum MyEnum { ONE, Two, three }

will generate the following codes for each enum:

test.MyEnum.ONE.codes ==   ['enum.test.MyEnum.ONE.label',   'enum.test.MyEnum.ONE.label',   'enum.test.MyEnum.one.label']
test.MyEnum.Two.codes ==   ['enum.test.MyEnum.TWO.label',   'enum.test.MyEnum.Two.label',   'enum.test.MyEnum.two.label']
test.MyEnum.three.codes == ['enum.test.MyEnum.THREE.label', 'enum.test.MyEnum.three.label', 'enum.test.MyEnum.three.label']


If you do not want the package name in the generated codes, just add shortName = true to your annotation parameters


package test

@I18nEnum(shortName = true) enum MyEnum { ONE, Two, three }

will generate the following codes for each enum:

test.MyEnum.ONE.codes ==   ['MyEnum.ONE',   'MyEnum.ONE',   'MyEnum.one']
test.MyEnum.Two.codes ==   ['MyEnum.TWO',   'MyEnum.Two',   'MyEnum.two']
test.MyEnum.three.codes == ['MyEnum.THREE', 'MyEnum.three', 'MyEnum.three']


To control the defaultMessage you can use defaultNameCase. It can be set to one of the following values:


where UNCHANGED is the default.


package test

@I18nEnum(defaultNameCase = DefaultNameCase.CAPITALIZE) enum MyEnum { ONE, Two, three }

And the following default values:

test.MyEnum.ONE.defaultMessage == 'One'
test.MyEnum.Two.defaultMessage == 'Two'
test.MyEnum.three.defaultMessage == 'Three'

@I18nEnum(defaultNameCase = DefaultNameCase.ALL_CAPS)
enum MyEnum {
    ONE, Two, three, Four_five

And the following default values:

test.MyEnum.ONE.defaultMessage == 'One'
test.MyEnum.Two.defaultMessage == 'Two'
test.MyEnum.three.defaultMessage == 'Three'
test.MyEnum.Four_five.defaultMessage == 'Four Five'

package test

@I18nEnum(defaultNameCase = DefaultNameCase.LOWER_CASE) enum MyEnum { ONE, Two, three }

And the following default values:

test.MyEnum.ONE.defaultMessage == 'one'
test.MyEnum.Two.defaultMessage == 'two'
test.MyEnum.three.defaultMessage == 'three'


It is possible to configure default settings from configuration.

In Configuration.groovy create a configuration tree like this:

import grails.plugin.i18nEnum.transformation.DefaultNameCase

// Your other configuration

grails { plugin { i18nEnum { postfix = "label" shortName = true defaultNameCase = DefaultNameCase.ALL_CAPS } } }

The settings values are the same as the configuration directives for the annotation.